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I walked the 2,160 mile Appalachian Trail in 2000 and published a book about my experience.  Some twenty years later and in celebration of the anniversary, I republished the book.

Recognising we are living in unusual times, I want to raise funds for two charities which I support.  Raha International does great work in school education and Tomorrow’s Warriors does great work in jazz education.

So here's the deal:

  • For every sale on Amazon, whether book or Kindle, I donate the entirety of the proceeds to my chosen charities.  You will find the link here. Both versions are available in different territories

  • The audio book is available on Audible, Apple and other platforms

  • For every like on social media, I donate 10p 

  • For every share or comment, good or bad, on social media, I donate 20p

  • For every review, I donate 50p, regardless of whether it is a 5 or 1 star review

  • I want to make a minimum donation of £500 but ideally a maximum of £1000

I will report progress on a regular basis, confirm donations and recipients

I have a limited edition print run of the book. I will send a signed and numbered copy to anybody who has an idea which significantly helps to spread news of this initiative.  

I will also send a signed and numbered copy on an occasional basis to those who get busy with buying, reviewing and sharing.

Thank you. September 2020